Galaxies Demystified

From the smallest of irregular and dwarf galaxies, to the most spectacular of spirals, to the most massive of ellipticals, there’s no denying that galaxies are incredible objects.

On this blog, we’ve covered a great deal of information about galaxies. We’ve followed their stories from the dawn of time in the universe to the present day, and we’ve explored all their different shapes and sizes, their masses, and the forces that shape their evolution.

If it seems like a lot, I understand.

So, let’s round up what we know and boil it down to a summary. Hopefully I can make galaxies more easily digestible!

(Though I do hope none of you actually try to eat one… 😉)

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A Universe of Galaxies

When the earliest astronomers and philosophers looked up at the night sky, they never could have imagined a sight like this.

What if I told you there are only four single stars in this image?

That’s right. Four.

The rest are whole galaxies, full of billions of stars.

You can tell the foreground stars from the galaxies by the diffraction spikes–astronomer speak for those four bright spikes of light. Can you find them?

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